Charlotte IT Support that Gives You Efficiency, Growth, and Peace of Mind
Refresh keeps your data secure and your IT running smoothly so nothing stands between your business and peak performance
Your IT should be helping you stay ahead of your competition, not holding your growth back
You don’t need the most advanced and expensive tech on the market to succeed, but you do need up-to-date IT that’s built around your needs and managed by experts. When you collaborate with Refresh, you get all this and more. Our highly qualified and experienced team of engineers elevate every stage of your technology procurement and management so your organization can reach new heights of efficiency and growth.

Refresh Technologies offers a wide range of IT support and solutions to meet the unique needs of your industry
See how Refresh helps companies of all kinds succeed in their industry
As a real estate company, quick access to stored information is necessary for compliance and crucial to our success. With the guidance of Refresh Technologies, we were one of the first in our industry to go completely into "the cloud". For any company, particularly a lean operation, that means less … Read More
GREG PAPPANASTOSPresident , Argos Real Estate Advisors
Refresh is an extension of our team—they ARE our IT department. With employees and associates across several locations and states, if our network is down, we are all down. Refresh takes proactive measures to ensure our network is fully functional, effective, and to prevent future problems. The technicians … Read More
CATHERINE WALLPrincipal, Accurate Staffing
We are receiving good service and great advice from Refresh. We look to them as our trusted advisor when it comes to IT. With current equipment and software and quicker responses to problems/issues, employee productivity and uptime has increased thereby saving the company money and time. Our employees … Read More
TONY TEMPRILEVP Finance, Agility Recovery Solutions
My company, WB & Associates, Inc., has been with Refresh Technologies for the past five years. Candidly, I was “limping along” for the previous ten years under the sequential guidance of two other IT companies. Limping is probably a complement to my previous suppliers as the 10 year engagement … Read More
WARREN KLUGMANPresident, WB & Associates
Our team is mobile 52 weeks a year producing events all over North America, so our technology of all kinds has to work, period. By 2010, our company had been experiencing tremendous growth and our model of an in-house support person to handle requests for nearly 70 people 24/7 was just not working … Read More
LISA WARDCFO, JHE Production Group
We are a Charlotte area private school that needed to replace our servers and the outdated wireless access points in our building. I got quotes from 5 different companies and I can tell you that Refresh Technologies’ quote was very affordable and they were the most knowledgeable about any new technologies … Read More
QUYEN NGUYEN Technology Administrator, Charlotte Jewish Day School